Refineries, the workhorses of our modern world, transform crude oil into the fuels that power our lives.But like any complex machinery, they require meticulous care to maintain peak performance and en
As of December 2020, the Global Energy Monitor identified 2,381 operational oil and gas pipelines spanning 162 countries, totaling over 1.18 million km in length. This extensive network presents uniqu
The maritime industry, with roots reaching deep into history, fuels the global economy by handling a staggering 90% of world trade.However, as this industry grows, it encounters a new wave of challeng
This in-depth guide breaks down LiDAR vs. photogrammetry, comparing accuracy, cost, applications, and more.
The evolution of border patrol drones traces back to the early 2000s, notably with the emergence of models like the Predator B around 2005, transforming surveillance along the U.S.-Mexico border.By 20
Heavy lift drones boast a distinctive airborne capability, allowing them to effortlessly carry hefty payloads beyond the reach of conventional drones.These ultra-large drones, with a weight capacity o
Elevation data has become a linchpin in infrastructure and AEC projects, revolutionizing how we perceive and plan for the earth's surface.Among the key players in this digital transformation are digit
An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a sophisticated device that plays a pivotal role in tracking and measuring an object's orientation, velocity, and gravitational forces.From space launches to the
In the early 1960s, as lasers debuted, LiDAR emerged - a fusion of "light" and "radar." Initially mapping small water bodies, LiDAR soared in the 1980s with GPS integration, revolutionizing geospatial data collection.
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